
EM INGLÊS: youtubers mulheres se destacam e evangelizam de formas diferentes

A revista Brazilian Journal of Technology, Communication and Cognitive Science (TECCOG) publicou o texto “Youtube is my shepherd; it shall post: evangelization in the channels of Christian influencers Fafismelo and Fabibertotti“, de Allysson Martins e Thaís Rivero.

Abstract: The YouTube platform is pointed as a space for growth of the evangelization on the internet. Evangelical youtubers use it for both evangelization and to gain visibility through it, by reaching a larger number of people, which is not possible in traditional evangelization events. Therefore, the aim of this article is to investigate how non-leader women in their religious segments conduct evangelization through their own production. To achieve this purpose we analyzed the 10 most viewed videos on FafisMelo and FabiBertotti channels. While Fabiana approaches the issues from a biblical perspective, quoting verses in her speech, and says how a Christian should act in many everyday situations, especially sexual ones, Fabiola evangelizes more directly in a few videos, although she frequently presents Christian dialects and biblical principles in your thoughts.


MíDI - Laboratório de Mídias Digitais e Internet

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